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필리핀 세부의학종합대학교와 MOU 및 인턴쉽 취업 MOU


1. 세부의학종합대학교와 MOU

일시 : 2013년 1월 8일

장소 : 세부의학종합대학교 세미나실

참석 : 4명

1) 참여명단 :

① Cebu Doctors’University

Dr. Potenciano V. Larrazabal, Jr.(President and Chairman of the Board_CDU 총장)

Dr. Enrico B. Gruet(Vice-President for Academic Affairs_CDU 학사 부총장)

Engr. Oscar A. Tuason(Vice-President for Administration_CDU 행정 부총장)

② 강원도립대학 : 박석규(산학협력단장)

2) 협약내용 :

Gang-won Provincial College(Republic of Korea) and Cebu Doctors' University, based on the principle of mutual cooperation and academic education for the exchange of information, the parties agree to the following.

Article 1: Range of Cooperation.

Both organizations are expected to follow:

A. School faculty, staff and students are expected to collaborate with each other concerning mutual exchange in teaching, learning and research purposes.

B. The excellent education contents and teaching of both universities are expected to collaborate with each other by mutual exchange of information and knowledge;

C. Respect for the each country’s culture and language of which the institution belongs to has to be mutually observed; (Both institutions are expected to respect each country's culture and language education despite of each differences.)

D. Mutual permission of credits given and certificates awarded by each institution.

Article 2: Principle of good faith.

The provisions under Article 1 shall be followed in Good Faith.

Article 3: Amendments.

Modifying the contents of herein Memorandum must be conducted under the mutual agreement of both institutions.

Article 4: Term.

This Agreement shall be effective for five (5) years from the signing of the same. A written notice of its termination must be made by any party who wishes to end the same prior to its expiration. Should the term expire, a written notice shall as well be made should any parties wish not to renew the same. Absent the same, this agreement is deemed automatically renewed.


2. 세부의학종합대학교 부설 ESL센터와 MOU

일시 : 2013년 1월 9일

장소 : CDU 부설 ESL 센터 회의실

참석 : 2명

1) 참여명단 :


② 강원도립대학 : 박석규(산학협력단장)

2) 협약 내용 :

Hereby Gangwon Provincial College and CDU ESL CENTER, based on the principle of mutual cooperation and promotion for industry-education cooperation, the parties agree to the following.

1. This agreement will promote the activities related with mutual work effectively

by building systematic cooperation.

2. The parties are expected to follow, based on principle of good faith:

A. Development of joint programs related with education.

B. Support of the promotion for making global students through the international exchange.

C. The spread of job opportunities such as field training and internship including the support of scholarship.

D. Mutual support for events and exchange of students through the industry-education cooperation.

E. Collaboration and exchange of information for the parties' development.

3. This agreement shall be effective for two years commencing from the date of

signature. Unless there's a written notice of its termination made by any parties,

the agreement is deemed automatically renewed. 


3. API Holdings Inc.와 MOU

일시 : 2013년 1월 10일

장소 : API 그룹 회의실

참석 : 2명

1) 참여명단 :

① Mr. Jose S. Go(President of APi Holdings Inc._APi 그룹 필리핀 대표)

② 강원도립대학 : 박석규(산학협력단장)

2) 협약 내용 : 강원도립대학 재학생 인턴취업 2명 확정: 박상욱, 류효정(관광과)

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